How much does Invisalign Cost in Wayne NJ?

How much does Invisalign Cost in Wayne NJ?

Are you wondering, “How much does Invisalign Cost in Wayne NJ?” If so, you may be one of the next some 8 million people who has benefitted from the Invisalign clear aligner system.

Keep in mind, as much as 20 percent of the population doesn’t have the ideal bite. Also, only 35 percent of adults have well-aligned front teeth. Fortunately, if you are among the many people with misaligned teeth, you could get a lifetime of health benefits by choosing Invisalign.

However, many people want these nearly invisible BPA-free medical-grade polyurethane aligners because they are discreet and convenient. As such, you can improve your smile without the look of traditional braces. Plus, the aligners come out quickly, so you can eat and brush regularly.

Amazingly, 91 percent of customers report they believe choosing Invisalign was “worth it.” Why? We know because we’ve seen firsthand how it can transform lives, improving health, self-confidence, and self-esteem.

OK, So How much does Invisalign Cost in Wayne NJ?

Let’s get down to business, but keep in mind that cost varies depending on each patient’s condition and needs. On average, the Consumer Guide for Dentistry reports a national average for Invisalign at $3 – $5K in total. The cost may vary depending on your needs and treatment plan.

Bear in mind, each patient’s treatment time is widely different. On average, you can expect to wear clear aligners for under one year. Of course, the time could be longer for some patients. During that time, you may wear a series of up to 30 aligners as your teeth gradually move to the ideal position. Fortunately, gradual adjustments tend to cause less discomfort.

In some more complex cases, an orthodontist may decide that you would benefit from another type of treatment. If you are a better candidate for traditional braces, the cost, on average, is more like $2 – $6K. To find out, your orthodontist will examine your teeth and discuss all options. 

Affordable and Flexible Payment Options

For those with insurance, many plans cover Invisalign the same as braces. In some cases, plans could pay for as much as $3,500. In all cases, our friendly, caring office staff will help you every step of the way. We’ll help with any paperwork and claims.

No insurance? No worries. At Smiles by Lorino, we offer in-house financing plans and accept most major credit cards. You won’t have to pay up-front and can start treatment immediately. Better still, you can choose between low monthly payment options to fit your budget.

As you can see, we want to be sure every patient has access to the best care at an affordable price. Thus, there is no reason to put off getting the smile you deserve.

How Much Does Invisalign Cost for Top Teeth Only?

A commons question is if patients can use Invisalign only on the top or bottom row of teeth. In most cases, this would not be advisable. Why? Because your upper and lower jaws work together to form an aligned bite. Correcting only the top or bottom could create new problems or even make matters worse.

Except for a few exceptions, it’s best to treat your mouth together as a whole. That way, you get the best results without any complications. When you meet with Dr. Lorino or Dr. Paralkar, we can discuss all of your concerns. Together, we’ll make sure you know all the options, the cost, and the treatment plans available.

We hope we have helped answer your questions about, “How much does Invisalign Cost in Wayne NJ?” Smiles by Lorino enjoy helping patients in five convenient New Jersey locations. 

You can find us in:

  • Franklin Lakes
  • Long Hill
  • Belleville
  • Wayne
  • Kearny

Call us today at 973-878-4419 for Belleville and Wayne, 201-701-8386 for Franklin Lakes, 908-332-9175 for Long Hill, and 201-729-3281 for Kearny.