What is the Average Cost of Invisalign?

average cost of Invisalign

Invisalign is a type of braces that are made to be invisible. They are growing in popularity, as more and more people want to improve their smile without having to deal with the traditional metal braces. But how much do they cost? In this blog post, we will discuss the average cost of Invisalign and all other essential things you need to know about them.

What is the Average Cost of Invisalign?

The average cost of Invisalign is between $3000 and $5000. However, the final cost will depend on many factors, such as the severity of your case, how long you need to wear them for, and your location. In some cases, your insurance may cover part of the cost.

Are There Any Other Costs Associated with Invisalign?

#1 – Initial Consultation

During your first visit to the orthodontist, they will assess your teeth and determine if Invisalign is the right treatment for you. This consultation usually costs between $100 and $200.

#2 – X-Rays

X-rays are often taken during the initial consultation. They help the orthodontist get a better idea of your teeth and how to correct them. The average cost of x-rays is $100.

#3 – Labor Cost

The average labor cost for Invisalign is between $500 and $1000. This includes the costs of making the aligners, as well as any adjustments that need to be made during treatment.

#4 – Retainers

After your treatment is complete, you will need to wear a retainer to keep your teeth in place. The average cost of a retainer is $200.

What Are the Factors that May Affect the Cost of Invisalign?

#1 – Severity of Your Case

The severity of your case will play a big role in how much Invisalign will cost. If you have a more severe case, it will often take longer to correct and may require more aligners. This will increase the overall cost of your treatment.

#2 – Length of Treatment

The average length of time that people need to wear Invisalign is between 18 and 24 months. However, some cases may take longer or shorter than this. The longer you need to wear them for, the more it will cost.

#3 – Location

The average cost of Invisalign will also depend on your location. In general, treatment will be more expensive in bigger cities and less expensive in smaller towns. This is because the cost of living is often higher in big cities, which affects the prices of all medical procedures, including Invisalign.

#4 – Compliance

In order for Invisalign to work, you need to wear them as prescribed by your orthodontist. This means wearing them for at least 20 hours per day and taking them out only to eat and brush your teeth. If you do not follow these instructions, your treatment will take longer and cost more.

Invisalign in North Jersey

average cost of Invisalign

If you are considering Invisalign in North Jersey, our team of Invisalign providers at Smiles by Lorino Orthodontics are up to the challenge! No matter how severe your case may be, we will work diligently to get you the smile of your dreams.

We cater to patients in five locations: Long Hill, Franklin Lakes, Belleville, Wayne, and Kearny. Whichever location is best for you, you can trust that you will receive the same high-quality care.

To learn more about the average cost of Invisalign in North Jersey, or to schedule a consultation, contact us today! We would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.